Communicate your message with video!
Whether you sell products or services; run events; or just have some information to get across, these days online video is the key! Event Video Services produce compelling video content with a unique blend of sales and marketing thrown into the mix. We realise that online video has to stand out, be interesting and get to the point.

Focus on the message!
The traditional television style of advertising does not translate to the online world as the viewers of internet video have an abundance of choice and are not subjected to advert breaks! Our style of video production leans quite heavily towards the more subtle forms of brand awareness and persuasion.

Filming On Set
We could say that we specialise in one area such as Corporate video, training videos or event filming but frankly we would find that incredibly dull! Instead we prefer to specialise in video which conveys your message and achieves your desired results – on consultation with the client we will discuss and agree on what the best approach is for their particular situation. Our team will then proceed to film, edit and produce the bespoke video solution required. We find that this approach results in a better quality of product at the end of the day and one which the client is really pleased with!
Event Video Services work with a number of strategic partners, meaning we can literally supply you with the full solution for event video production. Scotland is where we offer our services. Not just a video clip, but the website and printed marketing materials to go with it! Having been involved specifically in online video since 2006, we have a great understanding of how best to direct, film, produce and target your videos to the desired viewers!